Open-eyed through an open eye
Customer project for Peter Maloca MD.
A playful exploration tour through the eye of a patient with PEX (pseudoexfoliation glaucoma)
Fly the Zeppelin through the 3D scan of a real eye trying to explore, collect all golden eggs and beat the highscore!
- OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)-based and by GCM-OCT signal tracker enhanced 3D model of a real human eye!
- Collect 30 golden Eastereggs!
- Repeatedly explore the eye to beat the highscore!
Learning simulation
Number of Players
Mouse & Keyboard
W / S - Move forward / backward
A / D - Turn left / right
Q / E | Mouse Button 4 / 5 - Move upward/downward
Right Mouse Button - Rotate camera
Left Mouse Button / Space - Collect nearby egg
Controllers (XBox, PlayStation, Logitech etc.) are supported!
Windows, Mac