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  • RT-Voice - Assets | Produkte | crosstales



    Run-time TTS-Lösung für Unity

    RT-Voice nutzt die bereits im Computer integrierten TTS (text-to-speech)-Stimmen, um geschriebenen Text und Dialoge während Laufzeit abspielen zu können.

    Das ermöglicht Ihnen, jeden Text in Ihrem Spiel oder Ihrer Anwendung hörbar für Benutzer auszusprechen!

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    Did you ever want to make a game for people with visual impairments or reading difficulties? Or want your players to not have to read too much? Or would you listen to just the dialogues in your game without consulting a voice-actor in early stages of development? Then RT-Voice is your time-saving solution to do so!

    RT-Voice uses TTS-voices already integrated in your system to pronounce any written text at runtime.

    All of this happens without intermediate steps: the transformation effects instantaneously - and, if needed, simultaneously!


    Convert text to voice

    • Instant conversion from text to speech - generated during runtime!
    • Side effect: the continuous audio generation saves a lot of memory!
    • No need for voice actors during the testing phase of your game!
    • Several voices at once are possible (e.g. for scenes in a public place, where many people are talking at the same time)
    • Fine tuning for your voices with speed, pitch and volume!
    • Support for SSML and EmotionML!
    • Current word, visemes and phomenes on Windows and iOS - including marker functions!
    • Generated audio can be stored in files reusable within Unity!
    • 1-infinite synchronized speakers for a single AudioSource!
    • Simple sequence and dialogue system
    • No performance drops!

    Documentation & control

    • Test all voices within the editor!
    • Powerful API for maximum control!
    • Detailed demo scenes!
    • Comprehensive documentation and support!
    • Full C# source code




    Dokumentation (.pdf)

    API (.pdf)
