CBogaNet.Helper.AESHelper | Helper for AES cryptography |
CBogaNet.Unit.AreaUnitExtension | Extension methods for AreaUnit |
CBogaNet.Extension.ArrayExtension | Extension methods for arrays |
CBogaNet.Helper.ArrayHelper | Helper methods for arrays |
CBogaNet.Extension.AvaloniaExtension | Extension methods for Avalonia |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base16 | Base16 (aka Hex) encoder class |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base2 | Base2 (aka Binary) encoder class |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base32 | Base32 encoder class |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base58 | Base58 encoder class. Partially based on: https://github.com/medo64/Medo |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base62 | Base62 encoder class. Partially based on: https://github.com/JoyMoe/Base62.Net |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base64 | Base64 encoder class |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base85 | Base85 encoder class. Partially based on: https://github.com/coding-horror/ascii85/tree/master |
CBogaNet.Encoder.Base91 | Base91 encoder class. Partially based on: https://github.com/KvanTTT/BaseNcoding |
►CBogaNet.TrueRandom.BaseTRNG | Base-class for all TRNG modules |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.BytesTRNG | Generates true random byte-arrays in configurable intervals |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.FloatTRNG | Generates true random floats in configurable intervals |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.IntegerTRNG | Generates true random integers in configurable intervals |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.SequenceTRNG | Randomizes a given interval of integers, i.e. arrange them in random order |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.StringTRNG | Generates true random strings of various length and character compositions |
CBogaNet.Unit.BitUnitExtension | Extension methods for BitUnit |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.BoolObf | Obfuscated boolean implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
CBogaNet.SecureType.BoolSec | Secure boolean implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application |
CBogaNet.BWF.BWFAvaloniaConstants | Constants for BWF in Avalonia |
CBogaNet.BWF.BWFConstants | Constants for BWF |
CBogaNet.Helper.ByteHelper | Helper methods for byte |
CBogaNet.Unit.ByteUnitExtension | Extension methods for ByteUnit |
CBogaNet.Extension.CertificateExtension | Extension methods for certificates |
CBogaNet.TrueRandom.CheckQuota | Gets the remaining quota from www.random.org |
CBogaNet.Constants | Collected constants of very general utility |
CBogaNet.CRC.CRC16 | Implementation of CRC16 (ARC). NOTE: never use CRC for integrity checks, use hashes instead! |
CBogaNet.CRC.CRC32 | Implementation of CRC32. NOTE: never use CRC for integrity checks, use hashes instead! |
CBogaNet.CRC.CRC64 | Implementation of CRC64. NOTE: never use CRC for integrity checks, use hashes instead! |
CBogaNet.CRC.CRC8 | Implementation of CRC8. NOTE: never use CRC for integrity checks, use hashes instead! |
CBogaNet.Extension.DateTimeExtension | Extension methods for DateTime |
CBogaNet.Util.DIContainer | Simple dependency injection (DI) container |
►CDictionary | |
CBogaNet.DictionaryXML< TKey, TVal > | Serializable Dictionary-class for XML |
CBogaNet.Extension.DictionaryExtension | Extension methods for IDictionary |
CBogaNet.Helper.FileHelper | Various helper functions for filesystem operations |
CBogaNet.Helper.GeneralHelper | Various helper functions of very general utility |
CBogaNet.GlobalLogging | Global logger for dependency injection |
CBogaNet.Util.GuidExtension | Extension methods for Guid |
CBogaNet.Helper.HashHelper | Helper for hash computations. It contains ready-to-use implementations of SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 |
CBogaNet.TTS.Util.Helper | Various helper functions |
CBogaNet.Helper.HMACHelper | Helper for HMAC cryptography. It contains ready-to-use implementations of HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512, HMAC-SHA3-256, HMAC-SHA3-384 and HMAC-SHA3-512 |
CBogaNet.Util.HttpClientFileDownloader | HttpClient for file downloads with progress-callback |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.IFilter | Interface for all filters |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.ICapitalizationFilter | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.CapitalizationFilter | Filter to remove excessive capitalization |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.IPunctuationFilter | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.PunctuationFilter | Filter to remove excessive punctuation |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.ISourceFilter | Interface for all source-based filters |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.IBadWordFilter | Interface for bad word filters |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.BadWordFilter | Filter to remove bad words aka profanity |
►CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.IDomainFilter | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.DomainFilter | Filter to remove domains (urls/emails etc.) |
CBogaNet.BWF.Pacifier | Combines all filters into one |
►CBogaNet.i18n.ILocalizer | Interface for localizers of the application |
CBogaNet.i18n.Localizer | I18n localizer for the application |
CBogaNet.Helper.ImageHelper | Helper for images in Avalonia |
►CBogaNet.Prefs.IPreferences | Interface for preferences of the application |
►CBogaNet.Prefs.IFilePreferences | Interface for file-based preferences of the application |
CBogaNet.Prefs.Preferences | Preferences for the application |
►CBogaNet.Prefs.IPreferencesContainer | Interface for containers of the application preferences |
►CBogaNet.Prefs.PreferencesContainer | Container for the application preferences |
CBogaNet.Prefs.BrowserPreferencesContainer | Container for preferences in Avalonia (browser) |
►CISerializable | |
CBogaNet.DictionaryXML< TKey, TVal > | Serializable Dictionary-class for XML |
►CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.IVoiceProvider | Interface for all voice providers |
►CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.BaseVoiceProvider | Base-class for all voice providers |
CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.LinuxVoiceProvider | Linux voice provider. NOTE: needs eSpeak or eSpeak-NG: http://espeak.sourceforge.net/ |
CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.OSXVoiceProvider | MacOS voice provider |
CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.WindowsVoiceProvider | Windows voice provider |
CBogaNet.TTS.Provider.BrowserVoiceProvider | Provider for TTS in Avalonia (browser) |
CBogaNet.TTS.Speaker | Main component for TTS-operations |
►CIXmlSerializable | |
CBogaNet.DictionaryXML< TKey, TVal > | Serializable Dictionary-class for XML |
CBogaNet.Helper.JsonHelper | Helper for JSON operations. Extends https://www.newtonsoft.com/json |
CBogaNet.Unit.LengthUnitExtension | Extension methods for LengthUnit |
CBogaNet.LibraryInformation | Information about the BogaNet library |
CBogaNet.Extension.ListExtension | Extension methods for IList |
CBogaNet.Util.MimeTypeMap | MIME type mapper. Based on: https://github.com/samuelneff/MimeTypeMap |
CBogaNet.Helper.NetworkAdapter | Network adapter (interface) from the current device |
CBogaNet.Helper.NetworkHelper | Various helper functions for networking |
CBogaNet.Extension.NumberExtension | Extension methods for numbers |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedTypeExtension | Extension methods for ObfuscatedType |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< TCustom, TValue > | Obfuscated implementation for value types |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< ByteObf, byte > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ByteObf | Obfuscated byte implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< ByteObf, char > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.CharObf | Obfuscated char implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< DecimalObf, decimal > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.DecimalObf | Obfuscated decimal implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< DoubleObf, double > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.DoubleObf | Obfuscated double implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< FloatObf, float > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.FloatObf | Obfuscated float implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< IntObf, int > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.IntObf | Obfuscated int implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< LongObf, long > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.LongObf | Obfuscated long implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< NintObf, nint > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.NintObf | Obfuscated nint implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< NuintObf, nuint > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.NuintObf | Obfuscated nuint implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< SbyteObf, sbyte > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.SbyteObf | Obfuscated sbyte implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< ShortObf, short > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ShortObf | Obfuscated short implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< UintObf, uint > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.UintObf | Obfuscated uint implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< UlongObf, ulong > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.UlongObf | Obfuscated ulong implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
►CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObfuscatedValueType< UshortObf, ushort > | |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.UshortObf | Obfuscated short implementation. This prevents the value from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
CBogaNet.Util.Obfuscator | Obfuscator for strings and byte-arrays. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
CBogaNet.Extension.ObjectExtension | Extension methods for objects |
CBogaNet.Helper.ObjectHelper | Helper methods for objects |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.ObjectObf< T > | Obfuscated object implementation. This prevents the object from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
CBogaNet.SecureType.ObjectSec< T > | Secure object implementation. This prevents the object from being readable in the memory of the application |
CBogaNet.Util.ProcessRunner | Executes applications and commands |
CBogaNet.Helper.ResourceHelper | Helper for resources in Avalonia |
CBogaNet.Helper.RSAHelper | Helper for RSA cryptography and X509 certificates |
CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureTypeExtension | Extension methods for SecureType |
CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< TCustom, TValue > | Secure implementation for value types |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< ByteSec, byte > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.ByteSec | Secure byte implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< ByteSec, char > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.CharSec | Secure char implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< DecimalSec, decimal > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.DecimalSec | Secure decimal implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< DoubleSec, double > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.DoubleSec | Secure double implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< FloatSec, float > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.FloatSec | Secure float implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< IntSec, int > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.IntSec | Secure int implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< LongSec, long > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.LongSec | Secure long implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< NintSec, nint > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.NintSec | Secure nint implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< NuintSec, nuint > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.NuintSec | Secure nuint implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< SbyteSec, sbyte > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.SbyteSec | Secure sbyte implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< ShortSec, short > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.ShortSec | Secure short implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< UintSec, uint > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.UintSec | Secure uint implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< UlongSec, ulong > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.UlongSec | Secure ulong implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
►CBogaNet.SecureType.SecureValueType< UshortSec, ushort > | |
CBogaNet.SecureType.UshortSec | Secure ushort implementation. This prevents the value from being readable in the memory of the application |
CBogaNet.Util.ShortUID | Short Guid implementation with a length of 22 characters (instead 36 of the normal Guid) |
CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< T > | Generic singleton |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< BadWordFilter > | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.BadWordFilter | Filter to remove bad words aka profanity |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< CapitalizationFilter > | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.CapitalizationFilter | Filter to remove excessive capitalization |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< DomainFilter > | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.DomainFilter | Filter to remove domains (urls/emails etc.) |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< Localizer > | |
CBogaNet.i18n.Localizer | I18n localizer for the application |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< Pacifier > | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Pacifier | Combines all filters into one |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< Preferences > | |
CBogaNet.Prefs.Preferences | Preferences for the application |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< PunctuationFilter > | |
CBogaNet.BWF.Filter.PunctuationFilter | Filter to remove excessive punctuation |
►CBogaNet.Util.Singleton< Speaker > | |
CBogaNet.TTS.Speaker | Main component for TTS-operations |
CBogaNet.Util.StopWatch | Stopwatch to measure performance etc |
CBogaNet.Extension.StreamExtension | Extension methods for Stream |
CBogaNet.Extension.StringExtension | Extension methods for strings |
CBogaNet.Helper.StringHelper | Helper methods for strings |
CBogaNet.ObfuscatedType.StringObf | Obfuscated string implementation. This prevents the string from being "plain" in the memory of the application. NOTE: this class is not cryptographically secure! |
CBogaNet.SecureType.StringSec | Secure string implementation. This prevents the string from being readable in the memory of the application |
CBogaNet.Unit.TemperatureUnitExtension | Extension methods for TemperatureUnit |
CBogaNet.Helper.UrlHelper | Helper for URL-operations in Avalonia (browser) |
CBogaNet.TTS.Model.Voice | Model for a voice |
CBogaNet.Unit.VolumeUnitExtension | Extension methods for VolumeUnit |
CBogaNet.Unit.WeightUnitExtension | Extension methods for WeightUnit |
CBogaNet.Util.WindowsLocaleMap | Windows Locale-to-ISO mapper |
CBogaNet.Helper.XmlHelper | Helper for XML operations |